NovaScan Clincal Results Published in top Dermatology Journal

NovaScan’s clinical results in Mohs surgery were published in the highly regarded Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. The article, titled "Bioimpedance Measurement as an Assessment of Margin Positivity in Mohs Surgical Specimens of Non-Melanoma Skin...

NovaScan in the Press

NovaScan was recently featured in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, describing our recent progress in commercializing our MarginScan device for use in Mohs procedures for skin cancer.

Poster Session at the ACMS Annual Meeting

NovaScan participated in a poster session at the 2017 American College of Mohs Surgeons Annual Meeting, where the company presented A Rapid Method for Detecting Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer in Mohs Micrographic Surgery. The poster, which demonstrates how NovaScan can...

NovaScan’s Dr. John Shell to Present at NIH Sponsored Conference

NovaScan Senior Scientist John Shell, Ph.D. has been selected to present in a poster session at a Special Topics Conference on Healthcare Innovations and Point of Care Technologies, co-sponsored by the National Institute of Health and IEEE. Dr. Shell will be...