
nsCanary™ is an inexpensive, compact device that can prove transformational for real-time biopsy assessment. Lesions are heterogeneous and determining in real time if cancer is present in biopsy cores can be challenging. Many procedures employ ROSE to help clinicians do this, but these require a dedicated pathologically skilled operator, are subject to interpretation, and take time.

To that point, ROSE is only available in 30% of U.S. hospitals. nsCanary™ also advises on the presence of pathologically relevant amounts of cancer in biopsy cores. Moreover, nsCanary™ does so in only seconds, providing input to clinicians before another core is taken. Results are easily interpreted and required training is minimal. nsCanary™ does not impact workflow and does not require a dedicated operator. nsCanary™ also informs on disease progression.

nsCanary™ initial applications are in pancreatic, biliary, and lung. Product launch is anticipated in 2025.

nsCanary™ is not yet cleared to be sold in the United States.