Dr Amit Mehta to Advise NovaScan

Dr Amit Mehta to Advise NovaScan on Ex Vivo Scanning Product NovaScan, an emerging oncology company based in Chicago, has announced that Dr Amit Mehta will guide NovaScan on the development of its ex vivo offerings for both gastroenterology and pulmonology. Dr Mehta...

NovaScan Lung Studies Published in a Leading Peer Reviewed Journal

NovaScan, a clinical-stage oncology company based in Chicago and Milwaukee, recently had its publication titled "The Cole Relaxation Frequency as a Parameter to Identify Cancer in Lung Tissue: Preliminary Animal and ex vivo Patient Studies" accepted in the highly...

NovaScan Completes $8MM Series B Financing

CHICAGO, IL, USA, November 17, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ -- NovaScan, a clinical stage oncology company pioneering a new low cost point of care platform for cancer detection and treatment, announced that it has completed a $8 Million Series B financing, led by Builders...

NovaScan Fully Subscribes and Completes $3MM Financing

NovaScan, an emerging oncology company based in Chicago and Milwaukee, has announced that it has completed a $3MM financing. The convertible note financing was originally targeted for $2MM, but demand exceeded that amount and the company opportunistically added...